OCP Housing Estimates

Adopted in 2018 after a two-year public engagement process, West Vancouver’s Official Community Plan (OCP) is – among other things – the District’s “official” growth management tool. It provides a policy framework to guide the development of an estimated ~5,000 net new homes over a 20+ year time horizon (2018 – 2041) in a way that supports the District’s social, economic, and environmental objectives.

As a member municipality of Metro Vancouver, the District’s OCP requires regional Board approval, which it received in 2018. For context, ~5,000 housing units would represent around 1% of all growth anticipated for the region by 2041. Importantly, the figure of ~5,000 net new units is an estimate, and growth in the District will ultimately be determined by area planning processes, the review of development applications, market forces, and Council decisions.

The following sections summarize the progress towards meeting the District’s housing estimates, organized by the OCP’s housing policy sections, as these guide Council’s decisions.

Note: Net new unit counts are based on the number of new residential units (enabled through a Council approval and with an issued development permit) minus the number of residential units that existed on the site prior to the approval.