Applying for a Variance

The Zoning Bylaw guides what you can build on your particular lot. However, the topography of West Vancouver and the diversity of development within its neighbourhoods requires sensitive, and sometimes innovative, design. Standard bylaw provisions cannot anticipate each situation.

Depending on the situation, there are two procedures. Variances that are the result of a hardship are the jurisdiction of the Board of Variance. Variances that are NOT the result of a hardship must be submitted to Council for consideration.

Major variance one which is not the result of hardship. Must be submitted to Council for consideration through the Development Variance Permit (DVP) process. 

Minor variance considered to be the result of undue hardship is the jurisdiction of the Board of Variance. The Board is a quasi-judicial body independent of Council, and applications to it are submitted in the Building Permit application process. 

Before applying to the Board of Variance, you must apply for a Building Permit and obtain a letter from the Building Inspector confirming the specific variances.