Erosion & Sediment Control

Erosion and sediment control continues to be an issue on many construction sites in West Vancouver.

The Watercourse Protection Bylaw 4364, 2005 requires that construction projects follow a sediment and erosion control process.

Purpose of Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 

Keep the road clean and ensure only clean, clear water enters the municipal storm system and the natural system.

Who needs one?

Any new construction or high-risk work also requires an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.

Low-risk projects may be exempt from this process.

  • Low risk: avoiding deep excavations (basement), retaining existing vegetation outside work area and landscaping (retaining existing grades, removing and immediately replacing landscaping)
  • High-risk: work would include deep excavation (pool/below grade basement or addition), removing vegetation from an entire site, working on slopes, or blasting.

Who does not need one?

  • if you are not excavating your lot, you don't require a plan unless you are within 15m of a stream or creek
  • interior work only does not require a plan

If you have any questions, please contact us. 

What to include in your plan

Your plan must include the following twelve elements

Download PDF of the twelve elements

Confirmation of Commitment Letter

A professional engineer, biologist, geoscientist, applied scientist, or technologist needs to sign a Confirmation of Commitment Letter.

This letter is to ensure that the professional and the applicant are aware of the commitment to install, maintain and inspect the measures on site so they function for the duration of the project

Confirmation of Commitment Letter

Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form

Once a month the professional will fill in the Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form and email it to us. If we have questions, we will contact your professional.

Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form


Monthly Reporting Form

A monthly Erosion and Sediment Control Report needs to be submitted at the end of each month confirming the inspections have been completed as per the Confirmation of Commitment Letter.

Erosion and Sediment Control Reporting Form