1763 Bellevue Avenue

Development Application - Archived Applications

The District received a preliminary proposal for the redevelopment of the Masonic Hall site located at 1763 Bellevue Avenue.

The proposal includes a nine-storey building mixed-use building with parking access from Ambleside Lane at the rear of the site. There are 28 residential units proposed (22 strata and six non-market rental units) alongside five commercial/office units.

Council considered the preliminary development proposal on February 22, 2021, to determine if the proposal can proceed to public consultation prior to the adoption of the Ambleside Municipal Town Centre Local Area Plan (Local Area Plan).

Subsequently, Council determined that potential redevelopment of the site may only advance upon completion of the Local Area Plan. The timing regarding initiation of the local area planning process is yet to be determined.

The Council Report describing the proposal and the Architectural Drawings are provided below.

Architectural Drawings

Council Report | February 5, 2021


Erika Syvokas
Community Planner