Horseshoe Bay Projects

Transportation & Utilities - Current Projects

Projects happening in Horseshoe Bay

All timelines are subject to change due to weather, funding, or contractor availability. Projects are listed in order of the expected start date. 

Note: construction is not permitted in West Vancouver on statutory holidays and Sundays. More information is outlined in the Noise Control Bylaw

Horseshoe Bay Park Revitalization—Bay Street Between Royal Avenue and Nelson Avenue

The District is working to revitalize Horseshoe Bay Park and create a gathering space for residents and visitors alike. The goal is to create a free-flowing, connected park space from the Horseshoe Bay Pier all the way to the BC Ferries terminal.

  • Phase 1 of the Horseshoe Bay Park Revitalization was officially completed in fall 2023. Upgrades in and around Horseshoe Bay Park include a new playground, washroom building, and seating areas.

Construction map

More information on Revitalizing Horseshoe Bay Park

Horseshoe Bay sidewalk repairs

Update April 4, 2024

Work to replace the failing paving stone sidewalks along Bay Street, Bruce Street, and Keith Road with asphalt is now complete.

This work is an interim measure to improve pedestrian access and safety while the District continues to work on the streetscape plan for the area.

Horseshoe Bay Streetscape

The Horseshoe Bay Streetscape Plan is a cohesive and unified streetscape design strategy to revitalize the commercial area of Horseshoe Bay Village, which hasn't been upgraded on a large scale since 1986. The intention is to enhance livability, strengthen economic activity and create a vibrant area where local businesses can compete with other retail centres.

The bicycle lane component will form part of the Spirit Trail, advancing key policies from the Official Community Plan by encouraging cycling and "to provide a multi-use trail linking from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove."

The overall design incorporates elements to promote visibility and is intended to encourage slow speeds for all vehicles including bicycles.

As an interim measure, the District has installed temporary planter boxes and seating areas to allow the bike lane to be utilized as a public space.

Update January 18, 2023

After a period of planning and public engagement, the District completed Phase 1 installation of the Horseshoe Bay Streetscape project in 2021. However, given the feedback from the community on Phase 1, the District has deferred Phase 2 engagement for the following considerations:

  1. Horseshoe Bay is already affected by multiple current and future projects, including Phase 1 of the park revitalization project, Metro Vancouver pump station upgrades, and BC Ferries terminal upgrades
  2. District staff recognize the community concerns raised as part of Phase 1 and will therefore conduct an extensive review of available options for the completion of the project, for public consideration at a later date
  3. If Council chooses to proceed with undergrounding the overhead utilities, there may be design impacts on the next phases of the Horseshoe Bay Streetscapes project. Owing to this consideration, public engagement on Horseshoe Bay Streetscapes Phase 2 will be deferred until such time as a decision is made regarding undergrounding, and the impacts on the timeline and design for streetscapes are fully understood.

Please sign up for email notifications to be notified of any project updates and future engagement.

For background on this project, visit:  

Horseshoe Bay Streetscape

Utility Undergrounding

Update February 23, 2024

At their regular Council meeting held on Monday, January 22, 2024, Council passed the following motion:


  1. staff proceed with engaging overhead utility companies to commission detailed design for the undergrounding works on Bay Street between Keith Road and Nelson Avenue;
  2. as part of the undergrounding works design, staff work with the utility providers to identify phasing and/or future proofing opportunities available to deliver the works;
  3. staff coordinate and review available detailed streetscape design options on Bay Street between Keith Road and Nelson Avenue;
  4. design costs associated with the undergrounding and streetscape design be funded through the existing appropriated Community Amenity Contributions for the Horseshoe Bay Streetscape Project; and
  5. staff report back at a future regular Council meeting with further information once design is complete.

If Council chooses to proceed with undergrounding the overhead utilities, there may be design impacts on the next phases of the Horseshoe Bay Streetscapes project. Owing to this consideration, public engagement on Horseshoe Bay Streetscapes Phase 2 will be deferred until such time as a decision is made regarding undergrounding, and the impacts on the timeline and design for streetscapes are fully understood.

Spirit Trail Along Royal Avenue

More information on the Spirit Trail along Royal Avenue