Woodcrest Townhomes

Development Application - Active Applications

The District has received a rezoning, development permit, and Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment application for a proposed multi-family development. 

The proposal aims to rezone the site, which currently consists of four properties, to facilitate a 37-unit townhouse development. The development will have underground parking – accessed from the southwest corner of the site – and provide for four townhouse buildings and one private amenity building, which all surround a central courtyard. The proposal includes sidewalk and trail upgrades on the periphery of the site. 

The proposal is being considered under OCP policy 2.1.7, which allows consideration of site-specific rezoning applications appropriate to the subject site and local context. 

A preliminary public information meeting was previously held by the applicant on September 9, 2021, and the initial proposal for 44 townhouse units was reviewed by Council on February 14, 2022.

The applicant held a public information meeting on the proposed 37-unit townhouse development on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at the West Vancouver Community Centre. A summary of that meeting, and comments received, will be provided to Council to aid their consideration of the first reading of the requisite bylaws (dates to be confirmed).

All rezoning applications must be approved by Council. Accordingly, the District is processing the development application in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw, which requires a subsequent Public Hearing and public notification. 

Architectural plans 
Landscape plans
Preliminary traffic impact assessment


Erik Wilhelm
Senior Community Planner