1327 Marine Drive (short-term rental)

Development Application - Archived Applications

The District has received a Preliminary Development Proposal to allow for short-term rental in the residential units at 1327 Marine Drive. The building is under construction and is nearing completion and contains ground-level commercial space along Marine Drive and 16 residential units on the second and third floors. No physical changes to the building are proposed.

The proposal will require a text amendment to the Zoning Bylaw (rezoning).

September 2023 update

On September 19, 2023, the applicant held a public information meeting on the development proposal to allow for short-term rental in the 16 residential units at 1327 Marine Drive and has provided the District with a summary of the meeting.

The preliminary development application is now closed. The next step would be for the applicant to submit a formal rezoning application if they wish to proceed. If a rezoning application is received, information will be posted on the District website.

Applicant information meeting - summary report


Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner