Provincial Housing Targets

The Provincial Housing Supply Act now requires the District of West Vancouver to collect and report housing information. As a result, a Housing Form is now required for the following application types where residential dwelling units are proposed for demolition and/or construction:

  • Building Permits and Demolition Permits 
    (including single-family, duplex, secondary suite, detached secondary suite (coach house), multi-family, and/or mixed-use applications)
  • Development Permits
  • Development Variance Permits
  • Heritage Alteration Permits and Heritage Revitalization Agreements
  • Zoning Amendments (Rezonings) and Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendments
  • Environmental Development Permits
  • Foreshore Development Permits
  • Wildfire Hazard Development Permits

Please ensure the most current Application Form and Housing Form is completed when submitting an application on or after April 1, 2024.

Residential Demolition
Residential Construction (Building Permits)
Development Application Forms

For any questions regarding housing forms, please contact the Planning Department via email: [email protected]

Housing Target Progress Reports 

The Provincial Housing Supply Act requires the District to complete a housing target progress report for each reporting period in the form required by the Province, and to publish the progress report once received by Council. The following is a list of completed and anticipated progress reports: