The SSMUH requirements (per Section 481.3 of the Local Government Act) apply only to residential parcels that are located within provincially-defined “Restricted Zones”.
Restricted Zones are parcels that were previously zoned to only allow single-family and/or duplex dwellings, with or without one additional housing unit (e.g., attached secondary suite or detached secondary suite) per principal dwelling.
This definition does not encompass parcels that permit a single-family dwelling, an attached secondary suite (basement suite) and a detached secondary suite (coach house). Since most single-family zones (RS1-5 and RS7-10) across the District already permit a combination of these three dwelling types per parcel, they are not subject to the SSMUH regulations.
Furthermore, a Ministerial Notice received on July 25, 2024 identifies the following zones to be within the “Restricted Zone”, and requires amendments to their permitted use and densities to comply with SSMUH requirements: CU3, CU5, CD4, CD41, CD47, CD48, CD49, CD77, CD80, CD81, CD82, PA2, RD1, RD2, and RD3. Properties in zones outside of the above list are not impacted by the Province’s SSMUH requirements.