Note: This page is for utilities for businesses and commerical properties. For residential utility fees, visit Utility Fees.
Utility fees for businesses and commercial properties include charges for water and sewer and are sent out quarterly, as per below.
Water and sewer are fully metered and you pay based on how much you use. You will receive a 10 per cent discount if we receive your payment on or before the due dates.
Quarter | Covers the Period | Meters Read (month's end) | Billing date (month's end) | Due Date (30 days after billing date) |
1 | Jan, Feb, Mar | March | April | June 30 |
2 | Apr, May, Jun | June | July | August 31 |
3 | Jul, Aug, Sept | September | October | November 30 |
4 | Oct, Nov, Dec | December | January | February 29 |
Utility Payment Options
There are many ways to pay your utility fees on time to avoid penalty. Find the option below that works best for you and never miss another deadline.
- Financial institution
Most financial institutions offer the following payment options: in person, ATM, online or telephone banking. When making a payment through your bank, use the six digit utility account number as shown on the front of your Metered Utility Statement. Ensure that you are using the utility account number and not the folio number—payments made to a folio number will not be directed to the correct account. Each financial institution lists the payee (the District of West Vancouver-Utility) in a different manner, so check with your bank for details. You must make your payment on the due date by 12 a.m. Please retain your receipt showing the exact date and time of payment to avoid the penalty. - Mail
Make your cheque payable to the District of West Vancouver. Payment must be received by the Finance Department on or before the due date to avoid a loss of discount. Postmarks are not accepted as the payment date, so mail your payment early. Lost or delayed payments by Canada Post are subject to a loss of discount. - Post-dated cheque
Drop off your post-dated cheque at the Municipal Hall, or mail it in early; we will hold your cheque until the date indicated. - Dropbox
Place your payment, along with the bottom portion of your Metered Utility Statement in a sealed envelope, in the drop box located at the Fulton Avenue entrance to Municipal Hall. On the evening of the due date, the drop box will be cleared after 12:00 a.m. Payments received after the box is emptied will be subject to a loss of discount. - In person at Municipal Hall
Bring your Metered Utility Statement to the Finance counter located on the main level of Municipal Hall and pay by cash, cheque or debit card. Credit Cards are not accepted for tax and utility payments. The Finance Department is open Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. To avoid waiting in line at the counter, visit us well before the due date. Post-dated cheques are accepted. - Utility Auto Debit Plan
This is a voluntary program that authorizes the District to withdraw the balance owing on your utility account from your bank account on each due date. This program ensures you never miss the due date.
Utility Auto Debit Plan
The Utility Auto-Debit Plan is a voluntary program that authorizes the municipality to withdraw the discounted amount from your bank account on the due date shown on your Metered Utility Statement. There are four withdrawals each year. You will continue to receive a statement before each withdrawal.
To enrol in this plan, complete the authorization form, attach a VOID cheque and return them by fax, mail, email or in person to the Finance Department 10 business days before the first withdrawal date.
Here are all of the forms you will need:
- Utility Auto Debit Authorization Form (PDF)
- Utility Auto Debit Cancellation Form (PDF)
- Utility Auto Debit Bank Account Change (PDF)
Additional Notes: Review the terms and conditions on the form before starting the plan. If you would like to cancel the automatic withdrawals, notify the Finance Department in writing and fill-out the Utility Auto Debit Cancellation Form. If you have sold your property, cancel your automatic withdrawals and consult with your solicitor. If your bank account has changed, complete the bank account change form.
This plan does not include property tax payments.
Change of Mailing Address
It is very important that we have an up-to-date address for you in our records.
If your address has changed, please complete a Change of Address form (PDF) and submit it by one of the options below:
- By email
- By mail to 750 17th Street, West Vancouver BC V7V 3T3
If you are the property owner, utility bills will be mailed to you. The mailing address for utility bills is the same as the property tax notice. The only exception to this is for strata properties, which have one account for multiple property owners. In that case, the utility bill is mailed to the strata corporation or their appointed representative.
If the mailing address on your utility bill or tax statement is incorrect, we require notification of the change in writing (changes of address provided to other District departments are not sufficient).
Changes to a mailing address will update the address for both your tax and utility notices.
Important: Your change of address may not be reflected on your next notice, depending on the date we receive your change of address. Up-to-date information on your utility account is always available through MyDistrict.
- By email
- By mail to 750 17th Street, West Vancouver BC V7V 3T3
An owner may choose to add a tenant to the utility bill account. A written request must be received by our office and must include the full name of the tenant as well as the tenant information effective date (tenant move-in/move-out date). Utility quarterly consumption periods may also need to be reviewed by the owner to fill out the appropriate tenant information effective date. Interim utility bills are not issued for tenants if in between billing cycles. A copy of the utility bill will be mailed to the property owner to the address provided to us. All utility bills remain the responsibility of the property owner and any amounts outstanding as of December 31 will be transferred to Arrears of Taxes and interest will be added from that time until payment is received.
Special Meter Reading Request
If you are purchasing or selling a home in West Vancouver, please ensure that you obtain a special meter reading on the property before settlement. This will ensure that the water used by the previous owners is billed up to the completion date.
To request a special meter reading, do the following:
- Download and fill out the Special Meter Reading Request Form (PDF)
- Fax the completed form to 604-925-7034 or email it
The Special Meter Reading fee is currently $75, which will be included in your final bill and faxed to the solicitor.
Typically, the seller's solicitor will arrange for a special meter reading. New owners should be aware that utility accounts never close and transfer with the property; therefore, a previous owner’s unpaid bill will become your responsibility.
Important: If you are enrolled in the Auto-Debit Payment Plan but have just sold your property, you must notify the Finance Department in writing to terminate your participation in the plan. Please complete and return the Auto-Debit Cancellation Form (PDF) to stop future withdrawals for the property's utility account.
Please note the following:
- A special meter reading should be requested at least two weeks before the meter reading date
- Readings are not available on weekends or statutory holidays
- If we cannot accommodate your request, will fax or email you a new reading date. The reassigned date will be considered acceptable unless we are otherwise notified in writing.
- If the meter is not accessible, an estimate will be provided.
The final water bill is due 30 days from when the special meter reading is done. Late payments are subject to a 10 per cent penalty.
Your Quarterly Utility Bill Explained
There are two components to your water utility fees:
- Base Water Charge
- Metered Water Charge
Base Water Charge
Your base water charge is determined by your property type and size of water connection. A typical single-family home will pay $80.31 per quarter in 2020.
Multi-family and commercial properties typically have higher flow requirements and connection sizes than single-family properties, and therefore pay a higher base charge.
Metered Water Charge
For single-family residential properties, charges are calculated each quarter using a tiered water rate structure (with levels or blocks per consumption range). Water is charged by cubic metre, with water in Block 1 costing the least per cubic metre.
- Block 1: 0-30 cubic metres
- Block 2: 31-60 cubic metres
- Block 3: 61-180 cubic metres
- Block 4: over 180 cubic metres
2020 Water Rates
- 0–30 cubic metres: $1.32 ($39.60)
- 31–60 cubic metres: $1.51 ($84.90)
- 61–180 cubic metres: $2.25 ($354.90)
- over 180 cubic metres: $2.90
Multi-family/commercial/institutions/mixed property types will be charged a flat fee of $1.70 per cubic metre of water.
Because water consumption varies seasonally, it's common for a household to use fewer cubic metres during a fall or winter quarter and more during drier summer months.
Meters are read monthly and you can check your monthly meter reads using MyDistrict.