New provincial legislation effective November 2023
On Monday, August 12, 2024, Council adopted Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 5351 to comply with Provincial legislation on Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (Bill 44). For the report, adopted bylaw amendments, and more information, please visit the SSMUH webpage.
Development Regulations
The Zoning Bylaw regulates the use of all lands within the District of West Vancouver. Each zone specifies the permitted uses and provides limits to the height of buildings, setbacks, lot coverage and floor area ratio.
You can use WestMap below to determine the zoning for any property in West Vancouver.

Single Family Lots
If you are building a structure on your property, including retaining walls, stairs, pools and decks, you will need a permit. Includes information on secondary suites and coach houses.

Other development
Land use and development proposals received from residents and developers may require a property owner or applicant to make a planning application for bylaw amendments and permits.

Coach Houses
The District is accepting applications from property owners interested in building detached secondary suites on their property.

Submitting a development application
Development applications are processed in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw. The Development Procedures Bylaw outlines requirements for the review, processing and consideration of development applications.

Addressing expiring Land Use Contracts
In 2014, the Provincial Government amended the Local Government Act to terminate all Land Use Contracts (LUCs) that historically formed site-specific, contractual agreements between local governments and landowners.
Guidelines & Forms
- Preliminary Development Proposal Form (PDF)
- Development Application For (PDF)
- Submission Checklist (PDF)
- Design Review Committee Submission Checklist (PDF)
- Official Community Plan & Rezoning Guide (PDF)
- Council Considered Development Permit Guide (PDF)
- Delegated Development Permit Guide (PDF)
- Sustainable Buildings Policy (PDF)
- Environmental Development Permits (PDF)
- Boulevard Guidelines (PDF)
- For fees and charges related to Planning, Land Development and Permits, please refer to the Fees & Charges Bylaw