District News

Council Highlights are a summary of the business conducted at each Council meeting. For the official record of proceedings, visit the Agendas &…
The Student Video Contest is back! West Vancouver students in kindergarten to Grade 12 are invited to create an original video for a chance to win…
Update: Friday, February 7 There is currently no snowfall warning from Environment Canada, however, temperatures remain cold and streets and…
A Draft Plan has been prepared for the Ambleside Commercial Areas, informed by findings from a public engagement done in fall 2024, and we want to…
The District of West Vancouver joins people and organizations across Canada to celebrate Black History Month. This year the Government of Canada…
Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for the North Shore, forecasting snowfall accumulation of 10 to 20 centimetres starting Saturday…
With snow in the forecast this weekend, and out of an abundance of caution, a State of Local Emergency has been declared for three properties in…
Council Highlights are a summary of the business conducted at each Council meeting. For the official record of proceedings, visit the Agendas &…
Environment Canada has issued a rainfall warning for the North Shore, forecasting heavy rain to begin this afternoon, Thursday, January 30. The rain…
新年快乐Happy Lunar New Year! Wednesday, January 29 marks the start of the Lunar New Year and the beginning of the Year of the Snake, which…
A by-election for the West Vancouver School Board (School District 45) will be held to fill one vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Key dates: The…
Council Highlights are a summary of the business conducted at each Council meeting. For the official record of proceedings, visit the Agendas &…
Each year, Mayor and Council, the Municipal Manager, and staff work together to develop an annual budget and a Five-Year Financial Plan. The budget…
The atmospheric river event that occurred on October 19 and 20, 2024, damaged a stormwater outfall channel that carries collected stormwater runoff…
Starting on Monday, January 13, all regular Council meetings will start at 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. The change is primarily due to the volume of…
The fragrant aroma of your Christmas tree is gone and it's time to get rid of it. Wondering what to do with your old tree? Find chip-up locations and…
Council Highlights are a summary of the business conducted at each Council meeting. For the official record of proceedings, visit the Agendas &…
At their regular November 25, 2024 meeting, Council adopted changes to the District’s Zoning and Licensing Bylaws to regulate Short-Term Rentals (…
Environment Canada issued a rainfall warning for the North Shore, forecasting heavy rain to begin around noon on Tuesday, December 17 into the…
For the latest information and updates on Navvy Jack House and next steps, please visit the project page.  Image: Navvy Jack House circa 1914.