Traffic & Construction Update
Updated: June 22, 2023
Construction on the Five Creeks Stormwater Flood Protection Project is substantially complete. The remaining work includes in-creek work and road restoration work such as paving and line painting. Operation of the Five Creeks diversion system is anticipated to start this summer.
Updates for current work include:
HWY 1 Westbound Exit 7/Westmount Road/Westridge Avenue
- Expect a temporary exit closure on Friday, June 23, between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., for line painting work.
- Painting is anticipated to take several hours and the exit will be reopened as soon as possible. Please note this work is weather dependent.
District road restoration and improvements
Road restoration and planned District capital road improvement works that were temporarily put on hold to accommodate the Five Creeks Stormwater Flood Protection Project are now scheduled to begin this fall and are expected to take six to eight weeks to complete. These works include cycling and pedestrian safety improvements including sidewalk and curb upgrades, pavement markings, sightline improvements, bicycle lanes, accessibility improvements and installation of speed humps.
For more information on the active transportation, pedestrian, and road safety improvements on 31st Street to Westmount please visit the project page:
Westmount Active Transportation, Pedestrian, and Road Safety Improvements
Frequently Asked Questions
The District has received calls and emails from concerned residents looking for more information or clarification of existing information on the Five Creeks Stormwater Flood Protection Project. We'd like to address those questions.