Construction and development projects in West Vancouver are subject to a number of regulations and fees.
Building Permit & Inspection Service Fees
Below are the required fees for Building, Mechanical and Electrical Permits. Please review all sections in the Fees and Charges Bylaw for all applicable fees that may be required for your permit. For further clarification please contact the Permits Department at 604-925-7040.
Construction Value (1) Permit Fee (2)(3)(4)(5) $0.00 - $5,000.99 $145.00 $5,001.00 - $250,000.99 $145.00
plus $14.30 for each $1,000.00
or part thereof over $5,001.00$250,001.00 - $500,000.99 $3,648.00
plus $13.60 for each $1,000.00
or part thereof over $250,001.00$500,001.00 - $750,000.99 $7,048.00
plus $12.40 for each $1,000.00
or part thereof over $500,001.00$750,001.00 and over $10,148.00
plus $11.30 for each $1,000.00
or part thereof over $750,001.00(1) Construction Value as defined in the Building Bylaw 4400, 2004.
(2) The Permit Fee, for repairs for water penetration damage to a multi-family residential building is reduced by 10%.
(3) The Permit Fee for the sole purpose of installation of a solar energy system shall be the minimum building permit fee.
(4) The Permit Fee is reduced by 10% for Part 3 buildings to a maximum of $1,000.00, if a Registered Professional certifies Building Code Compliance and the Permit Fee is reduced by 5% to a maximum of $10,000.00 per Building if a Certified Professional certifies Building Code compliance.
(5) The Permit Fee is reduced by 5% for other than Part 3 buildings to a maximum of $250.00, if a Registered Professional certifies Building Code Compliance.
(6)Notwithstanding (4) and (5) above, the Permit Fee for a building is reduced by 10%, if a Passive House Institute Accredited Building Certifier provides a design stage assurance letter confirming that the detailed design meets Passive House requirements.
(7) The Permit fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the building permit, to a maximum of $2,000.00.
(8) All Land Development Permit Fees including Traffic Management Plan Review, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review, Works and Services Review, and Onsite Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) fees are collected at the time of building permit application and are non-refundable.
Description Fee / Charge Address Change request by the owner $1,360.00 + tax Alternate Solution Review – first review $570.00 Alternate Solution Review – subsequent revisions $405.00 Building Plan Copy
(for Single Family Dwelling or Duplex)$125.00 + tax Building Plan Copy
(for Commercial, Institutional and Multifamily)$270.00 + tax Boulevard Design Plan Review $220.00 Demolition of Accessory Building $145.00 Demolition of Single Family or Duplex or other Structures $1,965.00 Digital Processing Fee $94.00 Grandfather In-law Suites (annual renewal) $92.00 Occupant Load Confirmation $220.00 + tax Optional Use of Credit Card as Method of Payment Fee (where a refundable deposit or portion to be paid via credit card) 2.6% Permit Extension – single-family dwellings 25% of the permit fee for the 1st and 2nd extension, 50% of the permit fee for subsequent extensions, but in all cases not less than $500 Permit Extension – other than single family dwellings 25% of the permit fee, but not less than $500 Property and Building Record Search (Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional) $545.00 + tax Property and Building Record Search (Multi-family) $330.00 + tax Property and Building Record Search (Single-Family and Duplex) $235.00 + tax Re-Inspection Fee (1) $145.00 + tax Plan Revisions (2) $145.00 Site Survey Copy $32.00 + tax Traffic Management Plan Review - Minor Developments
(developments fewer than 20 units or minor building permit applications)
$550.00 - Major Developments (development permit application for a development 20 units or greater or major building permit applications)
$1,100.00 - Revision fee for second or subsequent revisions
$270.00 (1) First re-inspection is free, $145.00 for second re-inspection, $290.00 for third re-inspection, $580.00 for fourth re-inspection and any additional inspections.
(2) Before permit issuance: the first revision is free, $145.00 for second revision, $290.00 for third revision, $580.00 for fourth revision and any additional revisions. After permit issuance: $145/hour or part thereof.
- Minor Developments
Description Fee / Charge For an additional or new building for multifamily, commercial, industrial, or institutional development $5,000
or 0.75% of the construction value of the proposed work, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $20,000All demolition permits $25,000 For each new single family residential dwelling permit; For each new coach house/detached secondary suite dwelling permit; For additions, renovations, alterations in a single family dwelling; For renovations to existing commercial, industrial or institutional buildings (but not tenant improvements) $2,500
or 0.75% of the construction value of the proposed work, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $20,000For accessory buildings, sheds, carports, garages and similar minor permits with low potential for damage to District assets $500
or 0.75% of the construction value of the proposed work, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $2,500.For tenant improvements $500
or 0.75% of the construction value of the proposed work, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $1,000. -
Electrical Permit Fees Based on the Value of the Electrical Works
Value of Works (1) Fee / Charge (2) $0.00 - $1000.99 $145.00 $1001.00 - $10,000.99 $145.00
plus $8.25 for each $100.00 or part thereof over $1,000.00$10,001.00 - $50,000.99 $890.00
plus $3.70 for each $100.00 or part thereof over $10,000.00$50,001.00 - $100,000.99 $2,375.00
plus $3.15 for each $100.00 or part thereof over $50,000.00$100,001.00 - $250,000.99 $3,940.00
plus $2.30 for each $100.00 or part thereof over $100,000.00$250,001.00 and over $7,545.00
plus $1.80 for each $100.00 or part thereof over $250,000.00(1) Value of Electrical Works shall be as follows:
a) the value of Electrical Works shall be 4.0% of the “Building Construction Value”;
b) low voltage Electrical Works for each intercom, or entertainment system shall be 0.50% of the “Building Construction Value”;
c) low voltage Electrical Works for each Cable or Telephone, or Data, or, Vacuum, shall be 0.25% of the “Building Construction Value”;
d) the electrical contractor may provide a Value of Electrical Works different than described in 1(a), (b) or (c), when the electrical contractor provides declaration or sworn statement notarized by a BC Notary.
(2) The Permit Fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the electrical permit.Miscellaneous Electrical Permit Fees
Description Fee / Charge Annual Operating Permits:
0–250 kVA$280.00 Annual Operating Permits
over 250 kVA$280.00
plus $0.94 per kVA of part thereof over 250 kVA
to a maximum of $1,770.00Typical minimum permit fee $145.00 Special Events Electrical Permit $425.00 Multi-Day Special Events Electrical Permit $1,125.00 Temporary Construction Service $145.00 Re-Inspection Fee(1) $145.00 (1) First re-inspection is free, $145.00 for second re-inspection, $290.00 for third re-inspection, $580.00 for fourth re-inspection and any additional re-inspections.
Plumbing Permit Fees
Description Fee / Charge (3) Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee
(0-4 plumbing fixtures) (1)$145.00 More than four (4) plumbing fixtures(1) $145.00
plus $30.00 for each additional plumbing fixtureRe-Pipe Residential Building $145.00
plus $30.00 per unitPool/Spa/Hot Tub (supply and drainage) $145.00 Re-Inspection Fee (2) $145.00 (1) Fixture means a receptacle, appliance, apparatus or other device that discharges sewage or clear-water waste, and includes a floor drain.
(2) Where more than one re-inspection is required due to non-compliance with this bylaw, the owner will pay a re-inspection charge, prior to any additional inspections being performed by the District.
(3) The Permit fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the plumbing/drainage/hot water/sprinkler permit.
Drainage Permit Fees
Description Fee / Charge (2) Drain Tile
(for Single Family Dwellings and Duplex)$145.00 Roof Drainage including Rain Water Leaders
(for Single Family Dwellings and Duplex)$92.00 Drain Tile
(for other than Single-Family Dwellings and Duplex)$145.00
plus $30.00 for each 30 meter or portions thereofRoof Drainage including Rain Water Leaders
(for other than Single-Family Dwellings and Duplex)$145.00
plus $30.00 for each Rain Water LeaderUtility Services (Water, Sanitary, or Storm) for each service $145.00
plus $30.00 for each additional 30 meters or part thereofRe-Inspection Fee (1) $145.00 (1) Where more than one re-inspection is required due to non-compliance with this bylaw, the owner will pay a re-inspection charge prior to any additional inspections being performed by the District (First re-inspection free, $145 for second re-inspection, $290 for third re-inspection, $580 for fourth and each additional re-inspections).
(2) The Permit fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the plumbing/drainage/hot water/heating/sprinkler permit.
Description Fee / Charge (2) Residential or Commercial Hot Water Heating $145.00
plus $3.55 for 1,000 BTU or part thereof of heating appliance inputRe-Inspection Fee (1) $145.00 (1) Where more than one re-inspection is required due to non-compliance with this bylaw, the owner will pay a re-inspection charge prior to any additional inspections being performed by the District (First re-inspection free, $145 for second re-inspection, $290 for third re-inspection, $580 for fourth and each additional re-inspections).
(2) The Permit fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the plumbing/drainage/hot water/heating/sprinkler permit.
Fire Sprinkler System Permit Fees
Description Fee / Charge (2) Fire sprinkler system $145.00
plus $3.55 for sprinkler headStandpipe system, fire hose connection, siamese connection, alarm valve, dry valve, flow switch $30.00 for each device Re-Inspection Fee (1) $145.00 (1) Where more than one re-inspection is required due to non-compliance with this bylaw, the owner will pay a re-inspection charge prior to any additional inspections being performed by the District (the first re-inspection is free, $145.00 for second re-inspection, $290.00 for third re-inspection, $580.00 for fourth and each additional re-inspections).
(2) The Permit fee is doubled if the work is commenced prior to the issuance of the plumbing/drainage/hot water/heating/sprinkler permit.